


Candidate Zone

The Candidate Zone contains a comprehensive suite of online tests can be easily integrated into recruitment campaigns or utilised as a standalone resource. A vast range of competencies can be tested and measured via our verbal, numeric and psychometric profiling tests, ensuring our clients hire the skills you require with complete confidence.

As an applicant or an employee of one of our clients, and depending on what stage in the process you happen to be, you will be given access to useful information as well as any tests that form part of the recruitment process.

The Brief

Originally designed to carry candidate screenings, the candidate zone grew to an all round suite of tools available within the recruitment sector. This involved screenings, online testing, psychometric testing, holiday and temporary worker management, contracts, scheduling and online data capture.

The candidate zone was designed to provide a one-stop platform to make the recruitment process easier for the candidate and the staff managing the candidate journey.

The Result

The candidate zone exceeded all expections from its initial conception and grew to be a powerful tool used for 14+ years

Projects we have been involved with